The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

Since 1978 I have worked for seven outfits; had nine different drivers' licenses; have consulted or visited every state but North Dakota and Hawaii; have struggled through one marriage and one very unpleasant divorce; almost got married again (twice); came close but never had children; visited (mostly for work) something like 50 countries; bored thousands of people giving speeches and presentations; chalked up a lot of laughter, tears and great times with wonderful friends and family; spent every summer on a remote island off the coast of Maine where I was crazy enough to buy a cottage in 1983; stopped drinking cold in 1981; discovered that I really don't need to worry about what other people are thinking or judging; and have enjoyed robust good health (genetics that). I visit State College every couple of years. It's changed so much, and in some ways not at all. It isn't as charming as I remember it, now it's essentially one large convenience store selling Penn State-related stuff. But the lasagna at The Tavern, the sticky buns at NCD and the milkshakes at The Corner haven't changed one bit. What else matters?